Resources for Philanthropy

Responsible AI in Philanthropy Summit

This gathering, co-hosted by the Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) and Council of Michigan Foundations (CMF), is relevant for both new and experienced AI users. Join your peers to engage in knowledge sharing and discussion and leave with actionable resources and insights to adopt AI responsibly. 

The in-person summit will feature keynote presentations and breakout programming, as well as informal networking opportunities. There will also be an optional cocktail reception for attendees immediately following the event.

Registration is now open exclusively for members of CMF and TAG.

Current TAG members should check their email or head to the TAG Slack for the members-only registration link!

This gathering, co-hosted by the Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) and Council of Michigan Foundations (CMF), is relevant for both new and experienced AI users.

Spotlight on AI

Practical AI in Philanthropy: How the Annenberg Foundation is Navigating AI Holistically

TAG’s Member Spotlight Series features grantmakers exploring how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support their missions, improve efficiency, and address community challenges. Highlighting a balanced approach to AI adoption, these organizations share insights into both the benefits and complexities of AI in a philanthropic setting.

Through practical lessons, the spotlight series aims to guide others in responsibly using AI to enhance, rather than overshadow, the human-centered work of philanthropy.

This case study focuses on the Annenberg Foundation, a grantmaking organization with a staff of 30, which is beginning to integrate AI into its operations to innovate the support and programs offered to its nonprofit partners and grantees. The foundation’s work is primarily place-based, focusing on the Los Angeles region.

Responsible AI Adoption Framework

As society grapples with the increasing prevalence of AI tools, the “Responsible AI Adoption in Philanthropy” guide provides pragmatic guidance and a holistic evaluation framework for grantmakers to adopt AI in alignment with their core values. The framework emphasizes the responsibility of philanthropic organizations to ensure that the usage of AI enables human flourishing, minimizes risk, and maximizes benefit.
The framework includes considerations for AI adoption in three key areas – Organizational, Ethical, and Technical – each essential for grantmakers considering the use of AI.

Serving as a starting point for decision-makers, the framework provides a catalogue of considerations when exploring or expanding the use of AI.

responsible AI adoption in philanthropy

Recorded Learning Sessions

Creating A Safe Playground for the Adoption Journey

What You Need To Learn
August 20, 2024
Watch the Recording (Members Only)

Getting Started with AI in Philanthropy

What You Need To Know
August 13, 2024
Watch the Recording (Members Only)

AI Adoption for Funders: Release of V1 Framework

December 6, 2023
Watch the Recording

AI in Philanthropy: Trends & Responsible Use

October 26, 2023
Watch the Recording

Reading Materials

Current State Overview

These resources are a great place for an overview of the current landscape of AI technologies and their risks, benefits, and future evolution.

General Information

The information provided below has been sourced directly from TAG members.



  • Genius Makers: The Mavericks Who Brought AI to Google, Facebook, and the World (Cade Metz) Recommended by multiple TAG IT Executives
  • Future Normal (Bhargava and Coutinho-Mason)
  • Bridging The AI Gap (Abhinav & Raghavan Aggarwa)
  • Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies (Nick Bostrom)


