Completing a 6-month equity training pilot program for equity awareness amongst technology teams in philanthropy, the Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) is pleased to issue 43 certifications to qualified participants in “Equity Essentials for Philanthropy Tech.”
Nearly 3 years in the making, the “Equity Essentials” series was created as the result of member feedback and was designed with operations teams in mind, recognizing the often pivotal role that technology systems and staff play in advancing equity.
“We crafted this program to address a need identified by our members in the charitable sector,” says TAG Executive Director, Chantal Forster. “People in technology-related roles are seeking skills to contribute and even lead equity work in their organizations. Thanks to the Kresge Foundation and their investment, we’ve been able to begin addressing this gap in the sector.”
To address this gap, TAG partnered with Resilia to pilot the learning and support series, which was funded in part by a grant from The Kresge Foundation and sponsorship by Submittable. The program concluded in December 2022.
About the Participants
Seventy foundation staff, consultants, and product providers in philanthropy embarked on a guided learning journey from August through December. The participant’s roles varied greatly, with titles ranging from Scholarship Data Specialists to Vice President for Information Technology, Operations Associate to Director of Learning, Analytics, & Compliance.
“This was exactly what I was looking for; something that pushed my thinking and was specific/targeted enough that I had the resources to apply the content directly to my work.”
“I appreciate the community of people I was introduced to during the course (especially during TAG2022) and, if I had one suggestion for the course, it would be to continue to encourage relationship building beyond the online sessions.”
About the Program
Equity Essentials is a multi-modal and outcomes-oriented curriculum that provides equity awareness and skill-building for staff and partners working in philanthropy tech. The program includes three content components: 6 Self-Guided Online Courses, 4 Virtual Learning Events, and a Peer Learning Forum.
Digital certificates are awarded via Credly.com to the participants who met the requirements for certification. Additionally, consultants and product providers who have completed the program are publicly listed in TAG’s Directory of Certificate Earners, addressing a long-standing request by philanthropic organizations to provide a list of vendors committed to equity.

Visit the Equity Essentials for Philanthropy Tech page for additional information about the program, as we anticipate the second year of the program to launch in August 2023. If you are interested in participating in or sponsoring the Equity Essentials program in 2023, please reach out to TAG using the contact information below.
About Technology Association of Grantmakers
TAG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership organization that promotes the strategic, innovative, and equitable use of technology in philanthropy to solve problems and improve lives. With over 2000 members in 300 foundations throughout North America and beyond, TAG is the voice of technology in the philanthropic sector, providing technology professionals, tech funders, and “accidental techies” with knowledge, networks, mentoring, and educational opportunities.
Since 2008, the Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) has built a global community, conducted groundbreaking research, and become an advocate for investment in tech infrastructure throughout the charitable sector.
Contact: Gozi Egbuonu, Director of Programs, can be reached at [email protected]
About Resilia
Founded in 2016, Resilia is a Black-led organization that leverages a combination of technology & human touch to help nonprofits and change makers build capacity and elevate stories.
Resilia’s Funder Program enables grantors (foundations, corporations, and cities) to empower their nonprofit partners with on-demand technical assistance and capacity support that meets them where they are. More information on Resilia’s Funder Program can be found here.
Contact: Cathy García, Director of Funder Community and Learning can be reached at [email protected]