Membership Renewal
TAG Membership Renewal
The voice of technology in global philanthropy.
Stay connected, informed, and equipped for success in your role. Renew your membership each year to take advantage of member benefits, demonstrate your commitment to the innovative use of technology, and continue to strengthen the philanthropic sector.
How to Renew Your Membership
Log into your TAG account by navigating to the top right of your screen and selecting “My Profile”.
NOTE: After March 15, you will need to reach out to the Director of Community Engagement to renew your membership.
Once logged in, navigate to the left-hand sidebar and select “Membership History”.
Once the Membership History page is displayed, we ask that you verify/update the information on your screen. This will be used to generate the appropriate invoice for your annual membership dues.
After updating/verfiying your organization’s information, you will be provided with options for how to pay your annual membership dues. You’re welcome to pay via credit card or download an invoice for payment via check or ACH.
Paying via ACH? Please contact the Director of Community Engagement to make payment arrangements by ACH or EFT.
Paying via check? Please make your check out to “Technology Association of Grantmakers, Inc.” for the appropriate amount and send to:
Technology Association of Grantmakers
200 W. Madison Street, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60606
Need our W-9? Download the current year W-9 form.
Annual Renewal Timeline
Mid October
The first renewal notice is emailed to the designated Primary Contact for your organization.
January 1
The membership grace period runs January 1 – March 15th. Reminders are sent during this time to all members who will lapse after March 15.
March 15
On March 15th if membership dues have not been paid, or if you have not indicated to TAG that payment is forthcoming, your organization will be considered lapsed and access to membership benefits will be revoked.
Membership Dues & Pricing
The dues for 2025 are as follows. Members should base their 2025 dues on their current (net) asset size. Note that dues increase annually at a 3% rate.

We understand that each member organization has a different process for the payment of membership, which can impact when payment is received, but payment is appreciated before March 15.
Upgrade Your Membership
Your investment in TAG offsets membership dues for our smaller foundation members. Consider joining TAG as an Institutional Member ($25k) or Sector Steward ($10k) to provide funds for the Emerging Leaders Initiative as well as unique research and annual programs for the broader philanthropic sector.
$10,000 Sector Steward
Investment at this level serves to underwrite sector-wide programs including support for the Emerging Leaders Initiative and TAG Conference Scholarships.
Join Arnold Ventures, Bezos Earth Fund, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Ford Foundation Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The Duke Endowment, The JPB Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, The Wallace Foundation, and Wellspring Philanthropic Fund and become a Sector Steward today.
$25,000 Institutional Member
TAG is anchored by institutional members who invest in our ability to build the field of philanthropy and steward long-range initiatives, such as investing in digital infrastructure and our DEI curriculum for technology staff and vendors.
Join the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Surdna Foundation, Inc., The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and W.K. Kellogg Foundation and become an Institutional Member today.