
Landscape of Integrated Software for Community Foundations

Landscape of Integrated Software for Community Foundations

In collaboration with the Finance, Administration & Operations Group for Community Foundations (FAOG), Grantbook, PEAK Grantmaking, and the Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG), Tech Impact created the 2022 edition of the Landscape of Integrated Software...

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Common Grant Application Questions Shared Across Funders

Common Grant Application Questions Shared Across Funders

Further advancing an earlier study which confirmed that 39% of our grant applications are duplicative across funders, the Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) has published the list of shared fields that comprise the nearly 40% of grant application overlap. The...

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Investing in Digital Infrastructure for Civil Society

Investing in Digital Infrastructure for Civil Society

One in three nonprofits is in financial jeopardy as a result of the 2020 pandemic, according to a recent study by Candid and the Center for Disaster Philanthropy. As grantmakers consider their responsibility to stabilize and even reimagine civil society, they...

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Your Philanthropy Tech Strategy for 2021

Your Philanthropy Tech Strategy for 2021

The year 2020 was a radical stress test of our organizations’ technology and digital infrastructure, and a report card of how well, or how poorly, we as leaders planned for the unexpected. If anything, the events of the past year reinforce the conviction that...

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How to Hire IT Leaders in Philanthropy

How to Hire IT Leaders in Philanthropy

Bolstered by the success of technology in response to the events of 2020, executive directors and CEOs are cautiously envisioning an expanded role for technology as a driver of efficiency, mission, and strategy in an increasingly dynamic context. Like their...

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2020 State of Philanthropy Tech

2020 State of Philanthropy Tech

In August 2020, the Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) conducted a survey to better understand the technology environment, practices, and perceptions of TAG members and their peers throughout North America. This year’s survey builds on past surveys, which...

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Building Your IT Strategy

Building Your IT Strategy

It's become abundantly clear there’s a new, non-negotiable competency required of every IT leader across the sector: Strategy. Addressed collectively, technology can forge a new identity based on operational excellence and future aspirations. Learn more about how to...

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Call for Nonprofit Tech Support During COVID-19

Call for Nonprofit Tech Support During COVID-19

This briefing by NetHope, NTEN, and TAG outlines ways to equip the humanitarian sector during the immediate response phase of COVID-19. For the longer-term recovery phase, we offer ways to engage in strategic efforts toward funding and building a digital...

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Investing in Impact Infrastructure

Investing in Impact Infrastructure

This landscape analysis is an attempt to cut through the clutter around impact for IT leaders and their executive teams. Too often, IT leaders are stymied by discussions on “impact,” as such discourse can be too wide-ranging for translation into operational strategy....

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2018 State of Philanthropy Tech

2018 State of Philanthropy Tech

In July 2018, the Technology Affinity Group (TAG) conducted a survey to better understand the technology environment, practices, and perceptions of TAG members and their peers throughout North America. This year’s survey builds on past surveys which focused on IT...

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A Consumers Guide to Grants Management Systems

A Consumers Guide to Grants Management Systems

TAG announces A Consumers Guide to Grants Management Systems, a new report released by Grants Managers Network (GMN) and Technology Affinity Group (TAG), with research conducted by Idealware. The report compares 29 grants management systems across 174 requirements...

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A Consumers Guide to Board Portals

A Consumers Guide to Board Portals

This Idealware article funded by TAG reviews four different strategies for meeting your organization’s Board collaboration needs, including creating your own solution, adapting file sharing systems, using project management and collaboration tools and using dedicated...

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Grantmakers Information Technology Survey Report

Grantmakers Information Technology Survey Report

TAG and GMN are pleased to release the 2014 Grantmakers Information Technology Survey Report. The report concludes that funders are floundering with technology tools. While many foundations are very progressive with respect to their grantmaking programs, they are not...

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